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Dedicated Carcinosarcoma Clinic at the University of Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Center

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Contact Tim Mould in London UK. He works under the NHS at UCLH or the Portland Hospital on a private basis. Regards Teresa

Posted : 25/11/2017 1:12 am
Posts: 31
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The first dedicated Gynecological Carcinosarcoma Clinic in the country (maybe the world) is now seeing GCS patients. The clinic is staffed by Dr. Michael Birrer, formerly of Mass General Hospital Cancer Center. Dr. Birrer recently accepted the position of Director of the University of Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Birrer was responsible for launching a major GCS research initiative at MGH and is a leading expert on the rare cancer. Dr. Birrer will continue his work with GCS at the University of Alabama.
Dr. Birrer is in the process of finalizing his credentialing and expects to have this complete by October 6th. Until then, you will see Dr. Birrer along with Dr. Rebecca Arend. After October 6th, your appointment with be with Dr. Birrer. To make an appointment, contact the University of Alabama Department of GYN Oncology at 205-996-4662 and ask to speak to Jeanette. Jeanette will take your information, advise you how to send your records and schedule an appointment. Dr. Birrer sees patients on Tuesdays.

Posted : 12/09/2017 11:09 am
Posts: 14
Active Member

Thank you so much for this information. I will have to see what insurance they accept.

Posted : 14/09/2017 8:08 am
Posts: 2
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Thank you Diane for this exciting piece of news! And thank you for your perseverance for this project! As always, praying for the right piece of the puzzle to be discovered so that we can all be helped to lead very long lives!


Posted : 14/09/2017 9:58 am
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Thank you, Diane, for this information. I live in Mississippi. I am hoping to get an appointment with Dr. Birrer as Birmingham is only 3.5 hours away.


Posted : 02/10/2017 9:40 pm
Posts: 1
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Hello, can Dr Birrer be contacted from the UK, or recommend a consultant in the UK with interest in treating gynae carcinoma?

Posted : 03/10/2017 7:21 am
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Hi Diane, I live in Canada (Toronto area). Do you know if the doctor would see me for a consultation. I have been fighting this monster for almost 5 years. When I saw that there is a study with my rare cancers name I got excited. Maybe I might have a bit of a fighting chance. Here in Canada we have universal health but a lot of chemos are not covered and waiting for tests and appointments takes forever. I need a pet scan, but it has to be approved by the provincial government. I have been waiting 6weeks no answer. I need Avastin the chemo. It is FDA approved and covered for some type of cancers. I qualify because of platinum resistance, BUT our universal health system in Ontario says no. That is what I am fighting. I am 60 years old and I still have a lot of living to do, or at least, give me a bit of a fighting chance. As far as I know; cancers are not patient. Kathy

Posted : 03/10/2017 7:52 am
Posts: 14
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Admin note: Reply posted by user @Brenda R

Thank you so much for this information. I will have to see what insurance they accept.

Posted : 02/01/2018 12:29 am
Posts: 1
New Member

I have been trying to get in touch with Jeanette since Thursday of last week (6 days ago and 3 messages). I know that does not seem like a long time considering the holidays, but it feels like an eternity. My mother was diagnosed with uterine Carcinosarcoma last Thursday and is scheduled for laparoscopic hysterectomy on January 11th. I would love the opportunity to consult with Dr. Birrer before her surgery. Does anyone know a better way to get in touch with the office to expedite getting an appointment. I was told by the office staff that Jeanette is the only one that schedules the Carcinosarcoma patients.

My mother’s doctor is a gynecologic oncologist, but says he only sees around 5 patients a year. In case I do not get in touch with Dr. Birrer’s office, does anyone know any other doctor in the Atlanta, Ga area that sees more of this tumor?

Thank you so much for this website Diane and Blessings to all those out there who are navigating this beast as well.


Posted : 03/01/2018 3:02 pm

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