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Second Opinion

Second Opinion

The University of Alabama Birmingham has announced that Dr. Rebecca Arend will begin doing expert second opinions. To begin the second opinion processes with Dr. Arend go to the link listed below. This link will direct you to the UAB expert opinion request page. Fill out the online request form and submit it. UAB will process the information and contact you by email to begin the process. Once the insurance is verified, and it is determined whether or not this is a covered service, then UAB will address the financial component. There could be minimal or possibly no insurance coverage. After the paperwork is completed you will be directed to submit your questions by email. Once your questions have been received then a video with Dr. Arend will be set up to discuss her responses and follow up questions.

If interested in obtaining an expert second opinion, please click the button below.

If you would like to set up an in-person consultation go to the Resources tab on the website for additional contact information.

The GCSProject receives no compensation for this service. We are simply informing you of this second opinion as another option in the battle with GCS.

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