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Books on Healing and Surviving Cancer

4 Posts
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Posts: 14
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Post the surgical removal of one of the sarcoma masses the blocked my digestive system, I'm feeling much better. The mass has been sent in for analysis, and once again, there are no "treatments on the shelf" that we can apply for immunotherapy. However, my oncologist is both a researcher and immunotherapy specialist and he's researching other alternatives. Meanwhile, I remain on conventional treatment (Doxil infusion #7 coming up). A PET/CT scan at month's end will give us more information on how well Doxil has performed against GCS.

So, at my oncologist's suggestion and one of the oncology nurses where I'm being treated, I'm reading "Radical Remission -- Surviving Cancer Against All Odds," by Kelly A. Turner, PhD. I'm also reading "Boundless Healing -- Meditation Exercises to Enlighten the Minds and Heal the Body" by Tulku Thondup.

With 12 rounds of chemo and numerous hospitalizations, I'm hanging in there with "excellent" blood panels according to my oncologist. My last PET/CT scan in October showed no further progression of the masses.

It's been two years into this battle. The oncologist I fired gave me two years with treatment. My new team said "I'm a healthy woman (based on the problem-free internal organs and perfect blood panels), EXCEPT for this GCS.

I'm taking this as positive news. I'm applying the dietary and meditative technics that I've read from the above two books.

2020 will be a year of both conventional and unconventional treatment for me. What are your expectations for this new year?

I'd love to hear positive news from my sisters fighting for their health. Have you read a book that inspires you? Have you seen any changes with dietary improvement? Have you qualified for a clinical trial, and if so, how do you feel about it?

Posted : 04/01/2020 9:45 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

Dear Charmaine,

I have written you in another post but after reading this one I´d like to, first of all, ask you how are you doing at this point with your treatment and your health.
I am also taking the chance to reply you to recommend you a book I read when I was in the middle of my mother´s process and which I found quite inspiring. Anticancer: a new way of life, of the physician David Servan-Schreiber. He recalls the story of his cancer and how, based on scientific evidences, he found some nutritional and life-style habits which helped him to deal with cancer.
Maybe you are already aware of this book but I found it quite serious and reliable.

Huges from a locked Spain

Posted : 29/03/2020 4:51 am
Posts: 14
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Thanks for the tip on this book. I'll order it today.

I apologize for being slow in responding to your suggestion and previous post. My treatment goes on. And if it's not one thing, it's another.

Fortunately, were we live it is easy to remain at home during this pandemic. Spouse is the only one who picks up supplies -- all curbside pickup only

Posted : 25/04/2020 10:56 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

Dear Charmaine,
you don´t have to apologize for anything. You have enough to deal with to be also responding emails. For that reason I appreciate even more that you contact me.
You are doing very well staying at home. In Spain we have been confined at home for over a month and a half.
Send you a huge hug from the other side of the pond.


Posted : 26/04/2020 6:56 am

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