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My story of Uterine...
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My story of Uterine CS

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I guess that I am writing my story way after the dx of this cancer August of 2017. It's kind of a crummy story!!!
I was diagnosed first with breast Ca in May of 2015. It was a lobular cancer (rather than ductal) and not picked up in my regular mammograms. Was thought to be stage 1 but I chose a B/L mastectomy anyway as there was some suspicious findings on the MRI. Turned out after an initial negative finding under the microscope that the final path (for my lymph nodes) came back unexpectedly as positive. I went from a stg 1 to a stg 3A. This meant chemotherapy with Adriamyacin/ cytoxine and taxol and 28 treatments of breast radiation. I did it, went bald, got sick, didn't like it but got through it "one step at a time."

Let me just say that I walked past the infusion center the 1st time and thought... that's NOT ME. I DON'T BELONG HERE. I have been a critical care nurse for 25 years and apparently thought I was not ever going to get sick. But I must say, that I know now that we can find comfort in the infusion center.
So in May of 2018 I had a non bloody discharge, went to the obgyn and we blow it off for 2 months. Biopsy was done in August and again, nothing was expected. But...I got the call while in Denver and was "dropped kicked' to a surgeon with paper work completed. One knows when trouble is ahead! Carcinoma sarcoma of the uterus. No relation to the earlier breast cancer. A numbing diagnosis.
Ended up quickly at MD Anderson/Cooper in Camden NJ (again) for the surgery. Dr David Warshal TAH ( total hysterectomy) and good prognosis. Stage 1B... contained... amazing...
I actually almost gleefully went into chemo again. Carboplatin and taxol. Bald again, oh well, a cure was possible. I really did well through this chemo but is not an easy drug.
Unfortunately, like Diane, this chemo did not work for me. In April, this monster came back with a vengeance to my lungs. It was truly devastating.
But there is good news now that I need to share!
My 2nd round of Ifosfamide has given this cancer a good punch in the face. MY ctscan showed a significant decrease in the sizes and this gives me time!!! Plus, I feel good physically (ok, the Ifos is pretty miserable.)
I hope that more treatments may come available and as long as I have quality of life I will continue to fight!
I realize that this has become a long story...I guess I should close here. Thanks for reading, thanks for this website and let's all keep hope.
Linda (Denne)

Posted : 04/07/2018 3:20 am
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

So sorry for your long story with cancer but so glad you are getting so benefits from the next chemo round!! Keep us posted on how things are going and welcome to the family!


Posted : 06/07/2018 4:42 pm
Posts: 12
Active Member

Thanks for sharing. It really helps me to read about others who have this too. And I am an RN too

Posted : 06/07/2018 4:47 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

Same here. Stage 3A Breast cancer some years ago. Now Stage 3C2 Uterine Carcinosarcoma. Not related. First line chemo Paclitaxol and Carboplatin. Didn't work for long. Now have Metastatic UC in abdomen. Halfway through Ifosfamide and Paclitaxol. Last CT showed no to little change. Next CT soon.

Posted : 07/07/2018 4:31 am
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Keep us posted, Brenda!

Posted : 31/07/2018 6:59 am

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