Our dearest Karin was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer called GYN Carcinosarcoma (GCS) in February of 2017 and passed away only 10 months later in November of 2017.
In memory of Karin, we invite you to participate in her Annual Memorial Golf Tournament that will help raise the much-needed funds towards research for GCS. The ONLY research that has been done towards this rare cancer has been through the amazing team at the GCS Project. This organization is the designated charity for this annual event and 100% of every dollar that is raised will go towards research to find a cure.Karin was in a great deal of pain and she suffered in her short journey dealing with this terrible disease. Together we can make a difference today to help that next woman with this diagnosis have hope, resources and research to end this cancer.
Thank you for you support!
The GCS Project a U.S. tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, was created to provide help and hope to women with gynecological carcinosarcoma cancer. Their mission is to fund breakthrough research and clinical trials to prevent one more woman from dying from this malicious cancer. They provide scientifically valid information to help women manage their cancer until cures can be found. Not One More Woman should die of this awful cancer. www.gcsproject.org FEIN # 82-1385059
Saturday October 19th, 2019
Registration begins at 7:00am
Shotgun Start at 8:30am
Jacksonville Beach Golf Club
605 Penman Road South
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32225
Phone: 904-247-6184
Captains Choice
Limited to 30 teams or 120 individual golfers
Coming Soon!
Title Sponsor ($5,000): 3-foursomes, 2 signs displayed on practice area, name on banner, recognition in print marketing, electronic marketing and at awards reception.
Presenting Sponsor ($2,500): 2-foursomes, name on banner, recognition in print marketing, electronic marketing and at awards reception.
Eagle Sponsor ($1,200): 1-foursome, name on banner, recognition in print marketing, electronic marketing and at awards reception.
Birdie Sponsor ($500): 2 signs displayed on practice putting green, name on banner, recognition in print marketing, electronic marketing and at awards reception.
Hole Sponsor ($100): Name on hole sign, recognition in print marketing, electronic marketing and at awards reception.
Cart Sponsor: Name and logo displayed on every golf cart. Call or email Stephanie @ 904-553-4542 or kraudsepgolf@gmail.com for details
Coming Soon!
Team Sponsorship ($600): Includes golf, cart, range balls, box lunch at the turn, awards, auction, raffle, 50/50, snacks, cash bar at reception and 1 hole sponsorship. Company will receive recognition on all print and electronic marketing
Foursome ($500): Includes golf, cart, range balls, box lunch at the turn, awards, auction, raffle, 50/50, snacks and cash bar at reception
Individual Golfer ($125): Includes golf, cart, range balls, box lunch at the turn, awards, auction, raffle, 50/50, snacks and cash bar at reception
Golf Registration, Sponsorships, Donations and Payment:
Social Media: Please “like” and “follow” our Facebook page for event updates
Questions, Special Requests, Ideas for Silent Auction and/or Raffle Items:
Stephanie Hardman
Clinical trials are currently being offered at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Phase 1/2 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of BLU-222 as a Single… Read More »
Clinical trials are currently being offered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Immunotherapy has gained a significant amount of attention recently, but its efficacy as a single agent in… Read More »
Clinical trials are currently being offered at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Health Care in Charleston SC. A Phase II/III Study of Paciltaxel/Carboplatin alone, or combined with either Trastuzumab… Read More »