Hi Carol, I'm sorry to hear that you have this diagnosis. It's very good, though, to hear that the cancer was found at an early stage, all removed an...
Dear Maria, I am so sorry to hear about your mother's passing after such an awful ordeal. Thank you for letting us know what has been happening. This...
Hi Rick and Diana, I'm forwarding your question to our consultants and will write on the forum with any helpful information. In the meantime, I looked...
Dear Margret and Marianne, Thank you for posting your questions and writing about your experiences. Marianne - I hope you do well with pelvic radia...
Hi Margret, Thank you for sharing this update about your mother. It's heartening to hear that she is doing well, had a good report from the PET scan ...
Hi Margaret, It's very good that your cancer has been caught early. I hope surgery goes well - all the cancer is removed, and your recovery is smooth...
Hi Charmaine, Thinking of you as you get ready for surgery to remove the "bad boy" in the small intestine and hoping that your recovery goes well. We ...
Hi Charmaine, Thinking of you as you get ready for surgery to remove the "bad boy" in the small intestine and hoping that your recovery goes well. We ...
I am so sorry to hear of your wife's passing, Kevin. Please accept my sympathies. We will collect the names of those who donate in your wife's memory...
I am so sorry to hear of your wife's passing, Kevin. Please accept my sympathies. We will collect the names of those who donate in your wife's memory...
Thank you, Charmaine, for sharing the link to your blog. Your eloquence and spirit are inspiring and remind me so much of my dear friend, Diane. I wis...
Dear Jo, We are very sorry to hear of your sister's passing. We at The GCS Project offer our condolences and prayers of strength and hope for you and ...
Linda, this is wonderful news! It's so good to hear that the lung tumors have responded to the chemo! It's so encouraging to hear that the meds are wo...
Hi Maria, I hope the new appointment goes well, and that your mother receives a new treatment plan. It's so important to continue to advocate for her...
Clinical trials are currently being offered at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Phase 1/2 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of BLU-222 as a Single… Read More »
Clinical trials are currently being offered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Immunotherapy has gained a significant amount of attention recently, but its efficacy as a single agent in… Read More »
Clinical trials are currently being offered at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Health Care in Charleston SC. A Phase II/III Study of Paciltaxel/Carboplatin alone, or combined with either Trastuzumab… Read More »